Monday, January 17, 2011


So, I chatted with the Dr. today for a little while and I was misinformed at the beginning of treatments...I thought I would have 17 total treatments, but instead, I will be having 20. So, instead of being done on the 26th, I'll be done on the 31st. He is going to use the last 3 treatments as "boost" radiation, more localized to the area of my original mass. I was/am a little disappointed, but at this point, what's 3 more days? Really, it's nothing compared to 6 months of chemo and throwing a baby in there too... :)

I'm starting to feel some side effects from the radiation - my skin is a little pink on my chest, but my main side effect is pain with swallowing. I'm prone to some acid reflux to begin with, and this feels like constant reflux/heartburn. I'm having troubles swallowing meat (that I have to chew...we had meatloaf tonight and that was fine) and bread. The Dr. wants to give me some nasty stuff to drink to ease the pain, so we will see. Right now, I feel like I can live with it and I don't mind eating oatmeal, cottage cheese and soup a lot, but if it gets any worse, I guess I will have to succumb to taking more medication.

Dr. Blacher and all of the nurses keep asking if I'm feeling fatigued, but really, how do I know if it's from the treatments, being back at work, or just trying to be a wife and mom?? So, yep, I'm fatigued, but I don't have a clue if it's from the radiation. BUT, I'm nowhere near as fatigued as I was during chemo. :)

Well, I don't have a whole lot else to kids are getting too big too fast.... Hannah turns 5 next month, and Collin is just hilarious. I wish he could stay this age forever. Micah is sitting up by himself and is starting to army crawl around...pretty soon my baby will no longer be a baby! Basketball season is almost done for Mike (he coaches), which I am excited about. :)

Well, I guess I should go to bed...thanks for reading all of my ramblings and for all of your prayers!

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