Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Oh Baby!!!

No, we have not had the baby yet, but I go in tomorrow morning at 7 to be induced! I was 2cm dilated last night at the Dr.'s office and 70% effaced, so making good progress already without any drugs, so hopefully things will go smoothly and fast! ;) I just got off of the phone with Dr. Anderson (oncologist) and he said that my labs looked fine this morning, so we are good to go. Can I just say - I have wonderful doctors. Dr. Lee (OB) picked out a special nurse for me for tomorrow and has talked to all of the anesthesiologists/specialists already, and Dr. Anderson just calls to check in to see how I'm doing...I seriously can't ask for better care.
Well, I just wanted to write a quick update before we go in tomorrow - I'll try to post as soon as I can once baby arrives. So excited to meet this little one!!! I've already been blessed with 2 beautiful children, and can't wait to see what God has in store for our family of 5! Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers - I can feel them all! I'm feeling very calm and confident about all of this and looking forward to the joy that a new baby brings. Much love, Kara


  1. so excited for you sister!! can't wait to see you this weekend for a short while. miss you and love you very much!

  2. By now the Vander Vliet has arrived I'm sure! Hope & pray all went well for you & baby.You and the family are in my prayers!
