Thursday, November 18, 2010

Good News!!

So, yay for Chemo #11 being done....only 1 more to go!!!!!!! I'm so excited, I don't really care how I feel right now! (it helps that my in-laws are here so I am fully rested for the first time in a long long time!!!!)

The pulmonary function test that I had on Monday looked absolutely normal, so Dr. Anderson continued to give me the Bleomycin...he said I was most likely feeling a little short of breath because I was a little anemic and the fatigue has really set in, plus anxiety. So, he gave me some anxiety drugs to take....I don't know how I feel about this, but if they help me sleep, then I'm all for it!! :) The anemia is also a good excuse to eat up more beef (it's crazy how your body craves what you need...I've totally been wanting beef lately, and I usually don't like to eat it all that much!!).

I met with the radiation oncologist today - Dr. Blacher. he was wonderful and said that depending on my PET scan, which is scheduled for Dec. 15, I will most likely start radiation on Jan. 3 and have 17-20 treatments, which is 3 1/2 to 4 weeks of 5/day and week radiation. He said that the side effects from radiation will be a piece of cake compared to chemo, and most patients start to feel better during radiation! Yay!

Can you tell I'm a little excited to be done with all of this?? I'm really really looking forward to having some energy back...even though they all keep warning me that it doesn't happen overnight! Thanks again for all of your prayers....I really really appreciate it!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

more tests....

Hey all - just a quick update. Thanks for all of your kind words and prayers....I have been feeling less anxious and depressed lately, so your prayers are working!

I have to go in first thing tomorrow morning (Monday) for another pulmonary function test (this measures how well my lungs are working). I have been having pain in my chest for about a month now. It had been intermittent, but now it is becoming more constant. It feels like I am running outside in the cold air all of the time....weird. It started to bother me more last week so I called the Dr. and he wants to make sure my "PFT's" haven't gotten worse. If they have, he most likely won't give me the Bleomycin for my last 2 chemo treatments as this drug causes pulmonary fibrosis (thickening/hardening of the lung tissue that causes pain, shortness of breath etc.). I would really appreciate not having to be diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis as a lot of times, this becomes something you fight for the rest of your usually isn't reversible.

So, if you think about it, just send out a quick prayer for me tomorrow morning...Thanks!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In need of prayer...

Hey all - So, I'm now officially dreading my last 2 chemo treatments. I can't say that I ever dreaded the last 10, but I am really really not looking forward to the last 2. This last treatment totally threw me under the rug....I guess the thing the bothered me the most was admitting that I can't do it all myself anymore. I can't function with the horrible body aches and migraines that start after my Neulasta shot unless I take a pain pill, which then I can't safely take care of my kids. Frustrating. Today in our Coffeebreak group we were studying the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, and the Pharisee was too proud to admit his own sin. Well, I guess I was/am too proud to admit that I need help and can't be the mom/wife/friend that I want to be, even when I know that people want to help and would be blessed in doing so. So, that is the first request for prayer tonight....that I would accept help without feeling guilty, and that the pain would not be as bad after these last 2 treatments.

The second request for prayer is for my anxiety and fear. I can honestly say that up until now, I have not been fearful or anxious about anything (in relation to having cancer). But all of a sudden in these past few weeks, my emotions are all over the place and I start thinking about the 'what ifs.' Like, "what if the tumor doesn't go away or starts to grow back, or what if the PET scan shows cancer all over the place?" Then of course it snowballs into much worse things... So, please just pray that the anxiety and fear would be lifted from my shoulders, and that the chemo does its job so that those worries don't become reality.

The third and last request for prayer is just for my strength and energy. I like to think that I try to stay active and healthy, but I have really noticed that my strength and energy level is not what it was. I have not been able to exercise like I would want to, and so my body just doesn't feel as strong. I can't even open a bottle of apple juice for the kids!! Hopefully once this is all done, I can resume a more active lifestyle again and my strength will come back.

Well, I'm sorry that this is sort of a depressing plea for prayer....I'm sending up prayers of praise for a new friend of mine who just finished her chemo for Hodgkins...we were diagnosed at the same time. My tumor was bigger than hers, so I require more chemo. Congrats, Laura!!!

Love from Wisconsin, Kara