So, on the morning after my biopsy in June, I was in so much pain that I had Mike drive me to the pharmacy to get my pain pill prescription filled. On the way there, I'm trying to be so strong and not cry, and I hear this song by Chris Rice "Come to Jesus." I couldn't help but listen to the words and I felt like this song was written just for me....and the tears flowed freely. Every time I am in the car and I have that station on, I hear it now. Here are the lyrics:
Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O raise your head for love is passing by
come to Jesus
come to Jesus
come to Jesus, and live
now your burden's lifted
and carried far away
and precious blood has washed away the stain, so
sing to Jesus
sing to Jesus
sing to Jesus, and live
and like a newborn baby
don't be afraid to crawl
and remember when you walk
sometimes we fall, so
fall on Jesus
fall on Jesus
fall on Jesus, and live
Sometimes the way is lonely
and steep and filled with pain
so if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then
cry to Jesus
cry to Jesus
cry to Jesus, and live
O, and when the love spills over
and music fills the night
and when you can't contain the joy inside, then
dance for Jesus
dance for Jesus
dance for Jesus, and live
and with your final heartbeat
kiss the world goodbye
then go in peace, and laugh on glory's side, and
fly to Jesus
fly to Jesus
fly to Jesus, and live!!!
This song just means so much to me as I feel like I wouldn't be able to get through this time in my life without falling on Jesus, and yet dancing for Jesus at the same time. I've been given this horrible thing called cancer so I fall on Jesus, but at a time where we welcome another beautiful baby into our home, so then I dance for Jesus. In the midst of darkness and sadness, God continues to bless us each and every day.
Chemo #5 was yesterday, with my Neulasta shot today. I'm pretty tired today, but I forced myself to go to yoga tonight and came home feeling much better. Mike started school yesterday, so I need prayers to keep my energy up to deal with the kiddos all day. No more free naps for me!!! I know a lot of people thing yoga is weird and 'eastern,' but I have always loved it, and I really feel like it is a form of exercise that I can continue to do through all of this that still builds strength. Plus, the little time of rest at the end is WONDERFUL!!! :)
One more round of chemo and I am halfway done!!! I truly feel blessed to not be experiencing a lot of side effects that others experience. I just keep thinking that there must be so many people praying for me and God is hearing all of your prayers!!!! Thanks again for all of your kind words and prayers. Much love to you all!!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010

So, I'm sorry that it has been a little while since I blogged last....this summer is just flying by!! Here are a few pictures from our recent trip to the zoo.
I had a treatment again last week Wednesday, and I've felt pretty good. I haven't had any severe bone pain like the last time, which is an answer to prayer. I felt great the day of chemo, so I decided that it's time for me to start exercising again. Well, the mosquitoes are so bad here that I can't walk without getting attacked, so I decided to hop on my bike. Well, I lasted only 3 miles and came back home. My muscles are so weak!!! Yikes! I didn't sleep hardly at all that night and still felt pretty good on Thursday so I decided to go to a yoga class. It felt soooo great to stretch and attempt to strengthen, but man, once again, I am so weak!!! Friday came around and I felt pretty tired and achy - probably a combination of being sore from yoga and the chemo/Neulasta side effects. I took a long nap on Friday and felt much better.
All weekend I have kind of been waiting for that horrible pain to come back, but it hasn't yet, so I think I'm in the clear!! Yay! Today has been such a gorgeous day outside and I've felt really good today. I took a small walk this morning with my boys and hopefully we can get out again tonight after dinner for another one.
This week we have friends from out of town coming to visit, which I have been looking forward to all summer! It looks like it is supposed to be gorgeous outside all week, so it should be a great week. (it would be great even if it rained everyday!!)
Thanks again for all of your kind words and prayers - much love to you all!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hey everyone - well, first of all, Mike and I had a great time at Wicked on Saturday night (thanks so much to Margaret for watching our kiddos!!!). I felt well that day and we really enjoyed the show. :)
Sunday we had a great day - we went to church and then went to some friend's house for lunch and had a great time. On Monday morning, I woke up feeling some increased pain in my back by my epidural site, but I tried to ignore it and we decided to go to Grandma Mary's pool (our "adopted" Wisconsin Grandma). ;) While we were there, my pain kept getting worse, until I could hardly stand it anymore - it was really weird pain - throbbing deep in my back that would shoot up to the back of my neck at the base of my skull. So we left for home after lunchtime and I thought I was going to lose it - I have never had pain that bad in my life. I would have rather been in labor with 10 more children than to go through that again. I started freaking out a little bit, thinking I could have an infection (my WBCs are so low, that's it is totally possible), meningitis, or a leak in my spinal fluid from being poked 4 times for my epidural. I was in too much pain to call the Dr., so Mike called Dr. Lee (OB) and he said to come right in. Well, thanks again to Margaret and Rachel, they came over to watch the kiddos last minute and we went in to see Dr. Lee. He assessed me and didn't really know what to say. He talked to the anesthesiologist and my oncologist, and they all are pretty sure that this is from my Neulasta shot that I got last week Thursday. (to increase WBC's to fight infection) That was a relief to me, but I was still in so much pain - so I had to start taking my pain pills again. Ughh. So, by Tuesday the pain started getting a little bit better and Wednesday I would only have short periods of pain. Thank God!!! Hopefully these symptoms don't come every time I get the shot, which will be the day after each chemo treatment.
Today, I was feeling much better, so we went to the zoo this morning with the whole family. I will try to post some pictures on here eventually.
My hair is for sure starting to fall out, but it is still pretty thick. It's coming out a lot slower than I expected, which is kind of torturous, but at least I can keep my hair for a little longer. I have mixed emotions about that - sometimes, I don't really care and am looking forward to wearing my new pink scarf that I ordered (thanks Bridget!), and other times I get really depressed about being bald. I guess this is to be expected....
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers...much love, Kara
Sunday we had a great day - we went to church and then went to some friend's house for lunch and had a great time. On Monday morning, I woke up feeling some increased pain in my back by my epidural site, but I tried to ignore it and we decided to go to Grandma Mary's pool (our "adopted" Wisconsin Grandma). ;) While we were there, my pain kept getting worse, until I could hardly stand it anymore - it was really weird pain - throbbing deep in my back that would shoot up to the back of my neck at the base of my skull. So we left for home after lunchtime and I thought I was going to lose it - I have never had pain that bad in my life. I would have rather been in labor with 10 more children than to go through that again. I started freaking out a little bit, thinking I could have an infection (my WBCs are so low, that's it is totally possible), meningitis, or a leak in my spinal fluid from being poked 4 times for my epidural. I was in too much pain to call the Dr., so Mike called Dr. Lee (OB) and he said to come right in. Well, thanks again to Margaret and Rachel, they came over to watch the kiddos last minute and we went in to see Dr. Lee. He assessed me and didn't really know what to say. He talked to the anesthesiologist and my oncologist, and they all are pretty sure that this is from my Neulasta shot that I got last week Thursday. (to increase WBC's to fight infection) That was a relief to me, but I was still in so much pain - so I had to start taking my pain pills again. Ughh. So, by Tuesday the pain started getting a little bit better and Wednesday I would only have short periods of pain. Thank God!!! Hopefully these symptoms don't come every time I get the shot, which will be the day after each chemo treatment.
Today, I was feeling much better, so we went to the zoo this morning with the whole family. I will try to post some pictures on here eventually.
My hair is for sure starting to fall out, but it is still pretty thick. It's coming out a lot slower than I expected, which is kind of torturous, but at least I can keep my hair for a little longer. I have mixed emotions about that - sometimes, I don't really care and am looking forward to wearing my new pink scarf that I ordered (thanks Bridget!), and other times I get really depressed about being bald. I guess this is to be expected....
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers...much love, Kara
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